OPIMI – RUM » Presentaciones en Simposios

Presentaciones en Simposios

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Año 2009

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Presentación: "Individual and school-level effects of academic preparation and socioeconomic factors on retention of university students in Puerto Rico" presentado por Dra. Sandra Dika y Dr. David González en 2009 Association for Institutional Research Forum, Atlanta, GA, June 1, 2009--

Año 2008

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Paper: "Feedback through critical indicators of student performance: contributing to the assessment of high school education" presentado por Dr. David González, Dr. Antonio González Quevedo y la Dra. Sonia Bartolomei en el 2008 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Pittsburgh 24 de junio de 2008 --
Presentación: "Bonds and Bridges: The Relative Importance of Relations with Peers and Faculty for College Student Achievement" presentado por la Dra. Sandra Dika en AIR Forum 2008, Seattle 24-28 de mayo de 2008
Presentación: " Making Progress: Perceptions of Organizational Performance Based on the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence" presentado por Dra. Sandra Dika y Dr. Anand D. Sharma en American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, New York, 24-28 de marzo de 2008 --
Presentación: "Understanding aspirations: The role of adaptive self-processes and activated social capital" presentado por Dra. Sandra Dika y Kusum Singh (Virginia Tech) en la Conferencia Sociology of Education Association, en Asilomar, Pacific Grove, CA, 22-24 de febrero de 2008 --
Presentación: ""Modeling the mediating effects of social capital in the educational outcomes of high school students: An SEM approach" presentado por Sandra Dika and Kusum Singh (Virginia Tech) en American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, New York 24-28 de marzo de 2008 --

Año 2007

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Presentación: "Efectos de la Relación Estudiante-Facultad sobre el Exito Estudiantil a través de la Experiencia Universitaria" presentado por la Dra. Sandra Dika en la 13ra Conferencia Anual del College Board, 30 de noviembre de 2007
Presentación: "Using an Expected Loss Function to Identify Best High Schools for Recruitment" presented by Dr. Sonia Bartolomei, Dr. David González and Dr. Antonio González Quevedo at the International Conference on Engineering Education
Presentación: "Proyecto BEAMS y NSSE" presentado por el Dr. Antonio González Quevedo en el Segundo Encuentro: Repensando la Educación Universitaria, Rincón, P.R. 17 de marzo de 2007 --

Año 2006

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Presentación: "Informe de Progreso de Proyectos de Mejoras Permanentes del RUM" presentado por Dr. Antonio González Quevedo en la en Reunión del Claustro del Recinto
Presentation: "Attracting a More Diverse Student Population to the School of Engineering of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez" presented by Dr. Antonio González Quevedo and Dr. David González at the 9th International Conference on Engineering Education --
Presentation: "Applicants Profile Study for Improving Undergraduate Enrollment in the Engineering School of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez" presented by Dr. Antonio González Quevedo and Dr. David González at the American Society for Engineering Education --
Presentation: "Attracting a more diverse student population to the School of engineering of the University of Puerto Rico in Mayagüez" presented by Dr. Antonio González Quevedo and Dr. David González at the International Conference on Engineering Education, San Juan PR July 23-28, 2006 --
Presentation: "Applicants Profile Study for Improving Undergraduate Enrollment in the Engineering School of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez" presented by Dr. Antonio González Quevedo and Dr. David González at the ASEE Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois June 21th, 2006 --
Presentation:"Applicants Profile Study for Improving Undergraduate Enrollment at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez" presented by Dr. Antonio González, Dr. David González, Prof. Irmannette Torres and Eng. Leo Vélez at the 2006 AIR Forum, Chicago, Illinois May 18th, 2006 --